Prep Tips
Hints & Tips

5 Simple Prep Tips to Make Your Venison Taste Better

Regardless of what tried-and-true recipe you plan to make, there are a handful of steps ahead of putting a flame to game that will drastically improve the final flavor of your dish. Below are five simple methods to keep in mind, along with two bonus tips, that will help ensure you plate the best-...

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Prep Tips
Hints & Tips

5 Simple Prep Tips to Make Your Venison Taste B...

Regardless of what tried-and-true recipe you plan to make, there are a handful of steps ahead of putting a flame to game that will drastically...

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Dehydrator Dog Treats

How to Turn Deer Scraps Into Dog Treats Using Y...

For those hunters who believe nothing should go to waste, and that our best four-legged friends, who never leave our side at the skinning pole,...

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Pack Your Kids' Lunches With Deer Meat Sandwiches

The sad reality is so many things that don’t belong in our food get pumped into lunchmeat and served to our kids. Nearly all the...

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Grind Fresh for a Better Burger

There’s a reason the best burger joints grind fresh. The final product is both tastier and juicier. For hunters, obviously there are advantages to grinding...

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For a lot of hunters, the start of football season means two things: time to decide what to serve before and during games, time to...

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LEM Products Wild Games
hints & tips

2024-2025 Wild Games Answer Key

Ready to see how you did? View the answers to our spot difference game and crossword puzzle from our latest catalog.

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Different types of jerky on a plate

The Great Jerky Debate: Ground vs. Muscle

One of the most common debates among jerky enthusiasts is the difference between ground and muscle jerky.

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High Temp Cheese with cheesy sausage

High Temp Cheese: What You Need to Know

High Temp Cheese is the best. It can be stored for longer and withstand heat up to 400 degrees. With many flavors, all your sausage...

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Rolled Tamales on a plate

Venison Tamales

Making tamales doesn’t have to be a scary thing but having multiple people will make the assembly go much faster.

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Venison on a cutting board

Five Home Processing Prep & Planning Tips

Processing deer at home isn't as scary as it seems. Here's a quick rundown of what you need to know to approach the job with...

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